September 28, 2020

An Update on Fixing Congress and Investing in Green Economy Jobs

Hello Folks –

Like so many of you, the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been weighing heavily on my mind. She was a trailblazer – a true public servant. She was a champion for equality, and for justice, and her work to make life better for so many Americans has left an indelible mark on our country (though I’m sure you’ve read a lot about Justice Ginsburg this week, NPR’s Nina Totenberg has a powerful report about her life and her lasting impact).

As many news outlets have reported, just days before her death, Justice Ginsburg dictated this statement to her granddaughter, Clara Spera: “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.”

And yet, though President Trump and Senate Republicans have stalled for months in working to provide relief to working families struggling amid the COVID-19 pandemic, they’ve moved full-speed ahead in seeking to nominate and confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to Justice Ginsburg’s former seat.

Though I have no voting power on the matter as a member of the House (it’s all up to the Senate), I oppose Judge Coney Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court, and I want to share the reasons why.

First, with the presidential election currently underway and ballots actively being cast, I think that the voters should have a voice in this decision. We, the American people, should elect the president in November, and the winner of that election should appoint the next Supreme Court Justice. As so many have noted, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Judiciary Committee Chair Lindsey Graham, and Senate Republicans took an even more stringent stance in 2016 when they held the nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court for 293 days because the nomination was made in an election year.

But more importantly, I oppose Amy Coney Barrett because of what hangs in the balance. In the middle of a global pandemic, we know that this Administration is suing to repeal the Affordable Care Act – which is providing health care to millions of Americans. That case will be heard on November 10 (hence the rush to fill the seat with someone who has been outspoken in opposition to this law). If the court strikes down that law, millions will lose their health care coverage. People with pre-existing conditions will lose their protections. Young people will no longer be able to stay on their parents’ insurance until their 26th birthday. Preventive care – like mammograms and cancer screenings – will no longer be provided without co-pay. All of these protections are at stake. But more is at stake too – including voting rights, workers’ rights, women’s rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and much more. 

I think the American people deserve better – and they deserve a voice in the matter.

Fixing Congress

As frequent readers of this newsletter know, I’m committed to trying to make Congress work better for the American people. As part of that effort, I was appointed in early 2019 to serve as the Chair of the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress – or what is often called the “Fix Congress Committee.”

Last week, Democrats and Republicans on this Committee unanimously passed 40 additional recommendations to improve how Congress works – proposals to reform the budget and appropriations process to more effectively allocate federal funds and try to put an end to frequent government shutdown and continuing resolutions; to reclaim Article One responsibilities of the Congress to ensure that it serves as a co-equal branch of government as the Constitution intended; to enhance the capacity of Congress to ensure that quality staff can better serve folks back home and make the institution less reliant on lobbyists; and, to improve the congressional schedule and calendar to ensure important policy committees can better solve problems collaboratively and that Members of Congress spend less time traveling and more time legislating.


These recommendations are a big deal. Through bipartisan collaboration and a commitment to reform, I’m proud to report that this Committee has approved nearly 100 recommendations over the course of the last year and a half to make Congress work better for the American people.

And though it’s not leading on cable news or on A1 of a national newspaper, this work hasn’t gone unnoticed. In a tweet, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi praised the Committee for continuing to “lead the way on making Congress work better #ForThePeople through bipartisan solutions to modernize the Congress.” Similarly, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer thanked the Committee “for the important work they are doing to make government work better for the people it serves,” and House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn applauded the Committee for the effort “to reform Congress for the benefit of the American people.”  

I’m proud of the collaborative effort that Democrats and Republicans on this Committee have put forth, working tirelessly together to make government more effective, more responsive, and more transparent. I’ll keep up the effort to get government working better for the folks I represent.


Investing in Green Economy Jobs

Our country needs to step up and take action to counter the climate crisis. We know that, if we do this right, we can not only help our planet - we can create quality jobs and sustainable economic growth. That’s more important than ever as we seek to recover and revitalize our economy from this pandemic.

That’s why, last week, I was proud to support the Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act, which passed the House with bipartisan support. It’s a big bill – and I’m hoping it’s a sign that Congress is finally ready to invest more seriously in green economy jobs – and in our future. Here’s a rundown of what the bill does:

  • Establishes a clean energy workforce development program to educate and train the next generation of clean energy researchers, scientists, and professionals, including through grants to small businesses.
  • Supports the transition to a low-carbon economy by investing in clean energy, distributed energy resources, energy storage systems, and microgrids, which are crucial to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Prioritizes clean energy projects located in low-income and marginalized communities and advances the development of technologies and practices that expand access to clean energy.
  • Creates new environmental justice grant and training programs to empower communities and reduce health disparities.
  • Sets new energy efficiency standards for buildings, which roughly count towards 30% of greenhouse gas pollution, and provides funding for schools, homes, municipal buildings, and manufacturing facilities to improve efficiency and deploy energy-efficient technologies.
  • Invests in the technology and infrastructure needed to electrify and substantially reduce emissions from the transportation sector, which is the largest source of greenhouse gas pollution in the U.S.

This bill represents a positive step toward investing in green collar jobs. It can put American workers back to work and help us combat the climate crisis. There isn’t a moment to lose – and I’ll keep pushing for the Senate to take action.

Working for You

Supporting Our Veterans

I believe that if you serve our country, we should have your back. That means ensuring that military families and veterans have access to the benefits they have earned. This past week, it was great to meet with the Washington State VFW about important bipartisan legislation I'm supporting, like the Veterans Claim Transparency Act. Count me as a partner!


Pushing for Federal Funds for Our Region

The deadline to complete the 2020 Census is fast approaching - and we still need over 30% of folks in our region to respond and get counted! Completing the census ensures our communities get the resources we need for the next 10 years - for senior and veterans services, for roads and infrastructure, for schools, for food banks, and so much more. They're YOUR federal tax dollars - so let's make sure they come back to our neck of the woods! All it takes is a 10-minute survey at or by calling 844-330-2020. It's safe, it's secure, and it can be completed in over 10 languages!

I joined Clallam County Commissioner Mark Ozias and Forks City Attorney/Planner Rod Fleck to talk about why it matters so much to our region - check it out!


OK – that’s it for now, folks. Take care of yourselves, and of one another. As always, I’m honored to represent you.
